Saturday, 13 October 2012

Cypress Carpet

Another short post as there wasn't a lot in the moth trap and I didn't get out birding today but this Cypress Carpet appeared on the back window of the house early afternoon of the 12th.

Cypress Carpet

The first record of this moth was in West Sussex in 1984 and this species has now become established in parts of southern England, such as the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and Dorset.


  1. Post coming thick and fast Marcus :-) Enjoying them loads, keep 'em coming !

    1. I doubt they'll be daily like yours mate but I'll try and keep 'em coming as frequently as possible.

  2. Glad to see the move came off. Kent's loss is Dorset's gain. All the best.

  3. Thanks Steve, hopefully still bump into you now and again at Dunge.
